Today, they delivered my copy of The Blogging Church by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch.
I suspect it will tell me a lot of what I already know about blogging. However, it has interviews with some of my favorite church bloggers. Most of these are linked to the right. I'll let you know how the book turns out.

The ESV Journaling Bible. I really love this thing. It's got about two inch margins down the side with lines to write on. The type is a little small at 7.5pt, but it works. And I love the reading plan in the back. Most have a 1-year reading plan that will take you all the way through the bible. This has a plan where you read the Old Testament once, the New Testament and Psalms twice through the course of a year. It's a little more intensive, and you read a little of each every day so you don't get burned out around Leviticus. This will be my new personal study bible. I've still got the huge man-Bible for all my researching and preaching needs. I respect a preacher with a man-Bible.
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