Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Perry via Tony

The Churchplanters.com conference is going on right now. I really wish I could have made it. Not only is it affordable, it's supposed to be really great.

Tony Morgan provides a great breakdown of Perry Noble's sessions here and here.

Some of the highlights:

1. God does not give visions to committees. God never gave a vision to a committee in the Bible.

2. Some people will ask, "When are we going to go deeper." You can go deeper right now. Open your Bible. There's some deep stuff in there. Read it.

3. Sometimes you just need to let people leave your church. The space shuttle, as an example, has to lose some of its parts in order to make it into orbit.

4. "The worst thing that can happen to us is if we start to believe we're good."

5. "Church planting is not safe. It's not easy. God always calls us to things that are unsafe. If you want to be safe, get out of ministry."

6. "If your vision is to be like someone else, that's not a vision. That's an admonition."

Good stuff. Maybe I'll make it out there next year.

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